Growing up, Final Flight Outfitters Inc was the best place in the world. What once started as a specialized waterfowling outdoor retailer, has grown into an industry leading e-commerce, mail order catalog, and brick & mortar retailer of firearms, ammunition, and all things hunting. Growing up in West Tennessee as an avid outdoorsman, and die hard waterfowler, the Powers were some of the people I admired most and celebrated in every way. Walking around the store hoping to have conversation with World Goose Calling Champion of Champions, Kelley Powers, or hoping to get something new for hunting was always in my mind during my experience. When my dad would tell me we were going to FFO for the day, my stoke was always high. Every time I went, it was like I had never been before. Every time was wonder and amazement. Then as a little kid, the dream was set in my heart and mind with the ambition to work there one day. It seemed like such a far off ambition, and for reality to be that the dream my younger self had came true almost eight years ago humbles me and has taught me so much about having ambition, and putting it into action. All praise to God for the opportunity of it coming true because I know now it was a part of a much greater plan, and so much gratitude for the Powers to invest and empower me. To have the connection and mentorship of Jon Ed, Tripp, and Kelley is beyond my wildest dream. They are some of the most influential people in my life personally and professionally.
I started part time in 2013 as a part-time sales associate as I was studying at UT Martin to get my degree in Agri-Business. Even when I transferred to MTSU where I graduated studying Agri-Business and Photography, I would go back and help during Christmas break and waterfowl season. When I graduated college, I had a choice to make and direction to seek from God. Be in mind, this is before any of my experience and career as a marketing and creative professional. I was either going to do full-time in the agriculture industry, or go-full time in the outdoor industry. Through much seeking and praying, I chose the outdoor industry and to pioneer a new full-time position for FFO; Marketing Director. I have never looked back and regretted that decision.
For the past three years, I have been full-time as the in-house Marketing Director for FFO. These past three years has been such a wild ride, and have challenged and grown me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I have been a one man band in many ways, but the music wouldn’t be played with excellence if it wasn’t for the incredible team at FFO always willing to take part in my crazy ideas or requests, even when they felt uncomfortable in the situation. It also wouldn’t be possible without the trust the Powers have in me, and the encouragement to take ownership in my position and our marketing. As an owner of a company, it’s your baby. There is extreme tension owners must navigate as their companies grow to delegate power, and provide strategic people with positions of great opportunity. Building trust with someone is a process. The length of that process always looks different, but a deep level of trust is never cultivated over night and is never yielding instant results of gratification. It takes work, and it takes time. The same goes for effective marketing.
As being a Marketing Director for a small business, even though this small business is operating at a very large scale on a national level, it has taught me to be creative in every way possible. To maximize the potential, and capitalize on opportunities. It has also required me to develop the attitude to take initiative of learning every aspect of marketing and branding. E-commerce, e-mail marketing, social media, content marketing, content creation, content deployment, influencer marketing, copy development, graphic design, print marketing, and the list goes on. Another large responsibility of the position is public relations. Whether that be digitally or in person. Learning how to effectively communicate on behalf of a brand, company, or organization has much responsibility to it. There is much more to talk about on all of this, but for a later date in a different way.
With a lot of transition unfolding in my personal life and moving locations from West Tennessee to East Tennessee, it has also required me to transition and shift my professional life as well. I will now be based in Knoxville, Tennessee. I have had countless people to reach out about my involvement with FFO, and even though my location is changing and things are transitioning, my work with FFO is not ending, but only changing. No longer will I be the full-time, in-house, Marketing Director, but starting as of today, I am a Freelance Marketing Director working remotely for Final Flight Outfitters Inc. I am very honored to continue to work with them, and for all marketing inquiries, I will continue to be their point man. With this change unfolding, it has resulted in me now having the opportunity to capitalize on opportunities with more brands and engaging in more industries. Whether you have needs, ideas, questions, or opportunities, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to connect and you can do so by clicking here.
Every day is a great day to maximize potential, and capitalize on opportunity.
– SD
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